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Category: Experiences

01-06-2024 – Craig Caldwell

01-06-2024 – Craig Caldwell

North Shore Legacy Tour: 80th Anniversary of D-Day On June first 2024 our 273 canadian students, teachers and local tour guides participated in the daily Sunset March held in Nijmegen at the place the Waalcrossing took place on September 20th 1944. Each evening a veteran walks the same route using the newly build bridge call The Crossing. 48 lamppost join the veteran and all the participants from south to north on its way to the famour town of Arnhem. Both…

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01-06-2024 John Solem

01-06-2024 John Solem

Leading the Sunset March as the Veteran of the Day alongside fellow veterans from Norway, the Netherlands, and Canada is both an honor and a tribute to those who sacrificed their lives crossing the Waal River. The march and the ceremony at the memorial stones are profoundly moving moments to remember our fallen comrades and to reflect on the value of peace today. Peace requires continuous effort and investment from society and government, but the cost of war is far…

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13-05-2024 Sean Wallace

13-05-2024 Sean Wallace

Thank You! It was an honour to serve as the Veteran of the Day for the Sunset March. As a former member of the 8th Canadian Hussars with a number of WW2 8th Hussars buried in Groesbeek and the grandson of a soldier who served with the Canadian Scottish Regiment buried in Groesbeek, taking part was incredibly meaningful for me and my family. Thank you Team Sunset March and Team31. Sean Wallace

17-04-2024 Lawrence Lundt

17-04-2024 Lawrence Lundt

Sir, Good morning! As a proud veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division’s 2nd Battalion 325th AIR and 2nd Battalion 505th PIR, it was an honor and privilege to do the Sunset March. The Dutch do not forget! I wish I could express how humbling and honorable that is. It means everything. Most Americans seem to have forgotten that those men traded all of their tomorrows for our today. The Dutch don’t forget and in doing so, honor themselves and all…

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24-03-2024 Nigel Collinson

24-03-2024 Nigel Collinson

Saturday, I lead the Sunset March as veteran of the day. A very Emotional experience. Shared, with my Wife & Daughter from UK, and all my Dutch Friends. It will be a beautiful memory for years to come.

19-09-2023: Mark Sturgeon

19-09-2023: Mark Sturgeon

I’m very grateful to Team Sunset March for all it does to honor those who gave their lives in the crossing of the Waal River. Your dedication to this cause is truly remarkable and inspiring. COL Mark SturgeonArmy AttachéU.S. Embassy The Hague

10-09-2023: Denise

10-09-2023: Denise

On Sunday 10th Sept we were passing by the Windmill near Afferden, at 1 Kerkdam. It was having an open day, so we stopped to have a look (myself and my wife were both on motorcycles.Just as we were leaving, i started to talk to a man called “Stan” who told me all about the Sunset march. I have a fair interest in WW2 and the liberation but I had not heard about the action by the 82nd Airborne near…

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31-08-2023: Denise A.

31-08-2023: Denise A.

My husband and I were able to visit Nijmegen several years ago.We saw the Oversteek Bridge and learned of the history.Unfortunely, we were not able to witness the daily Sunset March.We wish to thank all the participant’s that have honored and paid their respect to the Allied soldiers by participating in the daily march and to the people of The Netherlands for honoring the Allied soldiers and never forgetting them.Thank you so much. Denise A.

5-9-2022: H.M. Broeders

5-9-2022: H.M. Broeders

Recited poem at Sunset March 708: BLACK WHITE. We, the ones who stand here. For them, the ones who fell. A mission, for the night. For them, no new day. History must be remembered. So that they will never be forgotten.   HM, Veteran of the Day 708

05-05-2018: Rick Tupper

05-05-2018: Rick Tupper

On Saturday, May 5th, 2018, I was honored to be recognized as the Veteran of the Day and to forever become a part of the Sunset March. As a Veteran of the United Stated military, it was humbling to see the dedication made each and every day to recognize the sacrifice made by those 48 US paratroopers on 20 September 1944. I can not put to words the feeling I had while walking the bridge. A mix of sadness for…

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