

The calendar below shows the dates and days. If you want to walk as Veteran of the Day on a specific date that is not yet reserved, please click that date and fill in the form. Don’t forget to check the box after ‘veteran’ and indicate whether this is your first time as Veteran of the Day. Then submit the form.

With regard to the Sunset March, the Dutch definition of ‘military veteran  applies, meaning that you do not have to be retired to be designated as a veteran eligible for the Sunset March.

Note: If you are interested in joining the Sunset March as a casual participant,  you do not have to make a reservation. You are most welcome to accompany the Veteran of the Day at the Sunset March.

If you have any other questions, please use our contactform.

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Sunset times: click here.

After submission of your reservation, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt within a few minutes. Please check your Spam folder too, and mark Sunset March as a trusted mail sender. You will receive confirmation of your reservation and you will be the Veteran of the Day for that specific day.